Group Ernährungsberater*in finden
nutritional recommendation of the DGE

DGE Nutrition Circle

DGE Nutrition Circle is a graphical model for the visualisation of qantitive dietary guidelines and is intended for healthy adults. Food selection according to the DGE Nutrition Circle is a reliable basis for the implementation of a healthy and sustainable diet.



The area of the DGE Nutrition Circle is divided into 7 segments, each of which represents a food group. By this segmentation, the circle illustrates the relative quantities of the following different food groups which are required for a healthy and sustainable diet:

  1. Fruit and vegetable
  2. Legumes and nuts
  3. Cereals, cereal products, and potatoes
  4. Oil and fat
  5. Milk and dairy products
  6. Meat, sausages, fish, and eggs
  7. Drinks